Sunday, June 12, 2011

S4311 Pickled Eggs

We eat a lot of these around here. Plain, on toast, with hot sauce or just salt and pepper, on salads. Mine have always been made with duck eggs, but I'm looking forward to trying the recipe with chicken eggs when our hens grow up.
I know what you're thinking... (ew!), but really, they're good. And an excellent way to preserve extra eggs. There are no safe methods for home-canning pickled eggs, so refrigerator only, 'kay?

Hardboil eggs.
While eggs are cooling, boil together:
- 3 cups white vinegar
- 2 cups water
- 1 cup cider vinegar
- 1 tbsp honey
- 3 tbsp organic pickling spice
- 1 1/2 tbsp sea salt
- 6 (or more) whole garlic cloves
- 1 tbsp worcestershire sauce
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- 2 tbsp curry powder
- dried chili pepppers

Pour into clean glass jar. Peel eggs and drop them in. Let sit for at least a day before enjoying.


  1. my confession: I still haven't tried one.
    I'll get there, just give me some time. Perhaps chicken will be a little easier for me as it is a bit smaller. This coming from the girl that devoured an entire jar of pickled herring on the last visit. silliness.

  2. of my favorite home-made snacks. I bet they are awesome with duck eggs!
