Friday, June 24, 2011

R.I.P. Wheels

When we came home from work last night, she just wasn't there. Probably picked off by a fox... maybe a hawk? Coyote? We haven't seen any of those culprits lately on the premises, but we hear coyotes nearly every night and see hawks and foxes frequently in the neighborhood.
Wheels was one of our original 10 ducks, our first livestock, long read about and planned for, brooded in what is now the greenhouse in the spring of 2009.
She was named by our great friend Margaret, who upon being asked to come up with some duckling names emailed me with "Buttons? Jack? Wheels?" after which I of course laughed and laughed and Wheels was christened. Wheels was always filthy- mudburgers on her bill, greenery hanging off the sides, etcetera.
Wheels, thanks for your whimsy. Enjoy the big pond in the sky.

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