Monday, September 5, 2011


We spent the weekend at a great wedding in Vermont, swimming in Lake Champlain, celebrating with good friends.

Home again now, and looking forward to spending some long-awaited weekends here, soaking up the flavors of FALL. We never got above 70 degrees here today... and even the light seemed different. Sharper, brighter, autumnal. Sigh.

Pink sauerkraut is fermenting in our pantry. Pink because it is a mix of red and green cabbage. So simple- it processes itself! All we did is chop and sprinkle on some salt. In about a month we'll can it and enjoy its super duper health benefits all year long.

Also... our egg situation is officially diversified: first (quite small) chicken egg discovered yesterday!

1 comment:

  1. Loving your blog. We had a lengthy kraut discussion here tonight. We've been making it for about three years but have not perfected the crispy/sour/not-too-salty (read must taste like Bubbies) kraut yet. I'll love to hear how yours turns out. We have found that freezing instead of canning seems to preserve the crunch a bit. Have you played with that at all? Still would love to get over to your beautiful pad and have you for a visit at ours! Happy fall.
