Friday, August 26, 2011

New peeps

Our first intentional farming "enterprise" arrived today- we have orders for several free-range organic roasting chickens. 25 day-old cornish roasters arrived at the Viola post office today and will live out the next 12 weeks or so in these cozy digs. Our 6 hens, Cheryl, Cathy, Barb, Nancy, Bonnie, and Carroll (named after aunties) and two roosters Napoleon and Rutherford Domingo were surprised to encounter the new peeps when they came in from the yard to roost.

That little quail-y looking one in the foreground is an extra "rare breed chick" the hatchery included with our order- hopefully another hen to round out our egg situation. It has spraddle leg, and can't get around, although is bright-eyed and eating and drinking just fine.
Our attempt at fowl physical therapy: affixing a splint made out of tiny band-aids. We'll see how that goes.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations and best wishes on your new enterprise. Sounds like you will be very busy! How are your tomatoes?
