Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Telling the Bees

"It was believed that bees would thrive only in harmonious families, and they were supposed to be included in family happenings. They were considered to be models of domestic peace and harmony and were also highly industrious workers, attributes to which most households aspired. "Telling the Bees" was vitally important, whether it was good or bad news or simply everyday happenings."

Coincidentally, or not, this tradition has made itself known to me twice in the past week. Once, at a lovely little cafe in Juneau, AK, called Paradise Lunch, and the other via urban farm legend and new idol Novella Carpenter's book Farm City.
I love this notion. Essentially, its what I've been doing with this blog... whispering it here, instead of clandestinely, to the hive.
Ergo, the change in the blog's title.

So, bees, here's the haps, illustrated:

I had an AMAZING trip with some delightful women I am blessed to call my friends.

AND, Jake and I have an absolutely beautiful new neice, Amayah Ann! I am a woman rich in neices, and so thankful for it.

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