Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Predator and Prey

We live with a domesticated wolf and fowl... traditionally, it has been a cooperative arrangement (except for that one time with the chickens).
While at a family wedding over the weekend, I got a call from our old friend and first time petsitter that Echo had attacked one of the geese, and that he (the friend) was on his way to the UW Vet Hospital in Madison with the goose, bleeding, in the back. I thanked him heartily but convinced him to turn around - Jake and I have a no vet policy with S4311's birds.
I'm embarassed to say that I was surprised about and disappointed in our dog's behavior, as if I were a parent scolding a child "old enough to know better." But he doesn't, because he's a dog, and there are some things you can't, and wouldn't want to, I suppose, train a dog out of. It was a good reminder for me about the pitfalls of anthropomorphism.
We arrived home on Sunday afternoon to a slightly limping goose and a mopey dog. I think both are going to be okay.

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