Sunday, September 18, 2011

mushrooms and mold

A co-worker gave me a box of giant puffball mushrooms this week. Here's one of the small ones, about the size of a volleyball.

Here's the inside- sort of like firm tofu in texture.

We sliced it up and made egg in the hole with some of our new chickens' eggs. Roasted tomato, pesto, and sunflower bread toast on the side. Super rainy Sunday breakfast!

Puffball risotto with what's left for dinner. Some of the others were yellowing on the inside, so I had to throw them out. Hopefully their spores will make some puffballs grow near the compost pile next year.

I found this nasty mold lurking in some tomato sauce this morning... all the other jars seemed fine, though, and hopefully they'll stay that way. I'm going to keep this one in a drawer to see what happens in there, as a science experiment only. Some of my canning books say you can scoop off certain kinds of mold and eat the food underneath, but I'm not going there.

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