Sunday, September 9, 2012


We made it about six weeks without a canine companion at TelltheBees. I could hardly stand living without a dog! 

After a couple of false starts in our dog-search, we found this girl. She's about a year old, has quite a pronounced underbite not so visible in this picture, and is very sweet. We're working on her manners... she is quite taken with the cats and chickens and rabbit, though the feeling is not, understandably, mutual. She has endeared herself to us by kissing Xan, greeting us at the door with whimpers and wags, and collecting things from around the house to surround her as she sleeps on her pillow. This morning Jake found her in the middle of a pair of his shoes, a pair of my flip-flops, and three throw pillows. None were chewed upon, just brought there to keep her company as she slept at the bottom of the stairs, apparently. 

I think she'll be a good dog, and it feels so much better being home now that she's here. 

1 comment:

  1. So, so awesome. Congrats and many happy tail wags for the years to come.
