Sunday, September 9, 2012

Grilled Greens and Raw Kale Salad

These were introduced to me early in the summer, and we've been enjoying them with regularity ever since.

A few weeks ago, while visiting my lovely aunt in her lovely home near the lovely Shenandoah National Park, we branched out from the lacinato kale we usually use and into collard greens and curly kale, with great results.

So good we made these three times while we were there! Once plain, once with feta cheese and black pepper, and once to chop up and use as a pizza topping.

We'll be grilling our greens as long as its warm enough to cook outside- there is a forest of kale in our garden! 

To use up some of it, we've been eating a lot of raw kale salad. A few times in the past weeks we've put some roasted garlic and olive oil in the bottom of a salad bowl and then add chopped kale and a little salt. We then "massage" the kale until it wilts a bit and leave it to sit for at least 30 minutes. Our favorite combination has been to add some roasted squash and toasted walnuts. I don't have a picture, but its beautiful!

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