Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Heat Advisory

This part of the Wisconsin has been in a heat advisory since Monday. It is projected to extend until Friday.
Yesterday morning we got a brief respite from the arid heat during a fifteen minute thunderstorm.
Look! Actual rain pouring off the corner of the screen porch roof!

Later in the afternoon, though, the heat was back. I packed up and we headed to the only beach I know of in these parts, a tiny patch of sand in a dammed up convergence of two creeks. The night before Jake had come home with the tiniest life jacket he could find, complete with not one but two crotch straps and an Elizabethan collar. It is pink and purple. A classy accessory, that. But... it works!

Look at that!

He just bobbed around and kicked a bit while we swam around him. It made me laugh a lot.

Spongedog Sandypants watched from the blanket, old dog that he is. 

A good day. 

Next blog post: back to originally scheduled programming.


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