Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Goings on in the Garden

It is dry around here. Real dry. The NOAA declared our area of Wisconsin in moderate drought. We're watering the garden regularly, but things are still droopy. The early spring, the hot early summer, and the very low rainfall have made for a strange season. What had promised to be a great blackberry season is over now, the berries dried up.
Our garlic was already harvested! We finally were diligent about snipping off the garlic scapes, using them in stir fries and salads, and were rewarded with big beautiful garlic bulbs. We live, and we learn. They're curing on the porch.

The kale keeps coming and coming. "Kale" is my new favorite color.

The spinach bolted early, and for the first time, we saved the seeds. 

I harvested the first red tomatoes yesterday, but in the climb through the jungle of squash vines and bean bushes and the reaching through tomato cages, I jostled some green ones to the ground. No matter... fried green tomatoes for dinner last night!

Tonight it is pesto, made fresh today.

Jake had I had designs on eating exclusively from our yard and garden (chicken, duck, eggs, honey, maple, berries, and vegetables) for the month of July, with the exception of coffee and flour and oil. But then... Xan came along, and that plan, along with the garden, fell by the wayside. 
Maybe we'll do a week of sustaining solely on TelltheBees produce in late July or August. 

Hopefully we'll get some rain soon. 

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