Thursday, July 26, 2012


I stood and was in a wide field of buttercups. I could smell their smell and walked through them, my eyes at the level of the yellow, a wide blur of a line of yellow. I was heavy-headed from the gorgeousness of the yellow all blurry. I loved breathing this way again, and seeing everything.

I should say that it's very much the same here as there. There are more hills, and more waterfalls, and things are cleaner. I like it. Each day I walk for a long time, and I don't have to walk back. I can walk and walk, and when I am tired I can sleep. When I wake up, I can keep walking and I never miss where I started and have no home. 

This is from my favorite short story by my favorite author, After I Was Thrown in the River and Before I Drowned, by Dave Eggers. It is narrated by a fast, fast dog, who dies at the end. I first read this story the year before we got Echo, and I've read it many times since. I read it last night, while holding his paw. 

Read the rest of it here. Its really great.

I have always especially appreciated the last paragraph. 

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