Thursday, July 7, 2011


That's the biggest live trap the hardware store in town had. It cost $87. Inside is one of the ten decapitated chickens we came home to last night. The same fate struck a duck a few days ago.
What kind of vicious creature is responsible for this massacre? After careful examiniation of the crime scene late last night and this morning, here's what we know.
1. Only the heads, necks, and inexplicably, TOES were eaten.
2. It got into the chicken coop by BREAKING the 3/4 inch thick wooden latch in half.
3. Its (huge) scat reveals an omnivorous diet.

I read today that weasels, raccoons, foxes, martins, opossums, coyotes, skunks, fishers, owls, and badgers go after backyard birds in various ways, but none of these profiles fits the evidence.

Could there be a gang of local predators working together? A weasel to burrow under the fences and roll out the eggs, a fox to serve as a footstool for a tall dextrous raccoon, an owl to serve as lookout?

I plan to run outside in my jammies at the break of dawn to find out who the culprit is and read it (or them) its rights.

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