Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Strange Weather We're Having...

Freezing rain on Monday, ice on Tuesday, snow on Wednesday. Its been a strange week, and I've hardly been at school. My last post, wahoo-ing Jake and I for being smart about our vehicles and our driveway should be disregarded. We both drove our cars up on Monday night, and Jake went to work on Tuesday, meaning he drove his down. Mine stayed up here, and might remain here until spring. The combination of precipitation we've received has made our driveway an ice-skating rink, now with 7 inches of soft snow on top. Today we hiked down the hill through the woods, not on the driveway, because it felt safer, despite the steep pitch and deep snow.

Here's some scenes from the last few days:

Other discoveries made: dry beans can be cooked in the crockpot! Beeswax, olive oil, and eucalyptus oil works like Vick's VapoRub! Our house can be 81 degrees and still feel cold!

This weekend we're headed to the Westby Ski Jump with some friends- a rollicking good time, featuring amazing athletes. Truly an amazing thing, these guys. Google it!

We hope your shovels and snowblowers served faithfully today.

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