Sunday, January 27, 2013


A full moon tonight, and a winter storm today.

That splotch of white in the distant center is the roof of our house. We're thankful for our cozy home and warm fire and staying put for the rest of the day. 

Shortly after we finished our coffee we drove both cars down to the bottom of the driveway, and hiked back up. They're calling for ice and snow and treacherous road conditions around here through the day and night, and as Jake said this morning, "we're finally getting smarter" about preparing for these types of weather events and their effects on our north slope, and hence, our mobility. He refers to winters past where we've been stranded by combinations of extremely cold weather, diesel engines, and 2-wheel drive. Once we thought we were cleverly outsmarting a forecasted storm, and left my car halfway down the driveway on a flat spot with the emergency break on. We woke up to find that freezing rain overnight had iced over and somehow under the car, causing it to slide down the driveway and into a deep ditch, where it stayed for a few days. 
The snow is coming down now, and the skies are pretty gray. The bird feeder has been busy this morning-  mourning doves, titmice, chickadees, nuthatches, cardinals, blue jays, and red-headed and downy woodpeckers. The juncos are my favorites, with their round white bellies. The squirrels are getting braver too, perhaps egged on by the threat of snow and ice.

I'm thankful for a warm fire and cozy home today!
Another pot of coffee, some weekend NPR, oatmeal cookies, and a lot of homework. Downton Abbey to look forward to for later.
Stay safe out there!

Update, 2 hours later:
These "ice-balls" (?) are precipitating and piling up fast. It sounds nice on the steel roof, and we're so glad to be underneath it.

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