Saturday, February 25, 2012

The sunshine speaks of spring

It just seems brighter, doesn't it?

When we've had duck and/or chicken losses to predators, its always been in the springtime and early summer- mammals seeking extra easy nutrients to help prepare them for the work of denning. Friday morning around 4am I woke up to a coyote howling not far from the house, the roosters answering back. This morning there were fox tracks on the driveway.

Marsh and Marais, our bitchy geese, will hopefully make anything that comes close feel sufficiently scolded and sissified that we won't have any losses of ducks or chickens, but if we do, we do. The foxes and coyotes and raccoons were here first. Our three lines of defense: chicken wire, an old limpy dog, and some hissing, flapping mini-dinosaurs. Never will we shoot or trap- oh, I cringe! Barbara Kingsolver's Prodigal Summer outlines the many reasons to be pro-predator far more eloquently than I would ever be able to.

Following the fox tracks, I paid a visit to the chicken coop. Its inhabitants surveyed the lay of the land briefly before unanimously determining it was still too snowy.

One little banty didn't even look outside, staying snuggled up beneath the next boxes.

What are you hiding, girl?

Oh me! Oh my! There are about 25 eggs in that wee nest, each about the size of ping-pong ball. We're going to insulate under that corner of the hen house this afternoon, in the hopes for some homegrown chicks.

Fortnight's Lonely Hearts show is tonight! Tune in at 6pm CST here.

After my semi-successful endeavor in yogurtry, I'm inspired to try cheese-making. Today: ricotta.

One last thing- how fun is this Jam Labelizer? Check it out to make custom label designs for homemade goods and everything else. I played around with trying to make a label for my box full of lip balm tins.

Hope your weekend is sunshiney and relaxing! Emmylou Harris is on top of it.

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