Monday, February 27, 2012

cheese and whey

Homemade cheese: a revelation! So fun, so delicious.

I used whole milk this time. I followed this recipe, except mine didn't curd up as promised, after the cooling phase, so I heated it up again and added 2 tsp of citric acid I had leftover from canning tomatoes in the fall. Then I strained it and squeezed out a lot of the whey. It ended up about the texture of feta, and so tasty!
Especially when it was still warm... oh, the goodness!

There was much more whey left than I'd thought there would be- well over a quart.

I'd recently read an article on whey, and was intrigued by the health benefits of this vitamin and mineral rich stuff. And, I didn't want to waste anything. SO... after reading about lots of ways to use whey, I used it all up!

I drank some.... apparently some people drink a lemonade-type drink made with whey in the summertime, and I could see how that would be good, in a tangy way.

I fed some to Echo. He loved it, more than he loves most other things.

I washed my hair with it, and I must say that I am having a good hair day. Soft and shiny, lots of body!

Most successfully, I made some whole wheat ciabatta, replacing the water in the recipe with whey. It was delicious.

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