Sunday, October 21, 2012

Autumn Update

Its been ages since I've written... apparently I'm not good at documenting the busy times.

I stopped and took about a hundred pictures of this mid-October rainbow on my way home from work on Friday. 

This weekend was an unexpectedly homebound one, and though I was disappointed to miss out on the revelry happening amongst and in honor of my friends, it was nice to be home, as well. 

We are in the midst of squash season. I just made several batches of squashiladas, attempting to emulate our friends' excellent recipe which we sampled alongside squash soup and jack-o-lanterns Friday night. I made pumpkin ice cream, sans ice cream maker, which couldn't have been easier or more delicious, especially studded with maple walnuts. I like some texture in my ice cream. Frozen in a mason jar! 

Xan even got in on some squash action, to mediocre review. 

In other news, Lupine is becoming a good dog. 

Xan is loving his cousin's hand-me-down backpack.

Without fail, time marches on. He'll be six months old this week! This picture was taken during a break from the fussiness two breaking teeth ensured for most of the weekend, and the smile made up for all of it.

We hope your autumn is marching on as well. 

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