Monday, April 16, 2012


Most of these came from around a single tree! Keeping our eyes trained on the ground to find these yesterday evening revealed other surprises- the first of the trilliums and jack-in-the-pulpits have bloomed!

Saturday, April 7, 2012


A typical TelltheBees holiday weekend so far... lots of food, coffee, card games, hikes, and projects, with some group nap and reading times thrown in for good measure.

Amayah is still getting used to her future favorite aunt.

We celebrated Grandpa's 84th birthday!

Erykah made placecards.

TelltheBees new peeps: 4 reds, 4 barred rocks.

Erykah soaking up the sun with her "best daddy"

Jake supervising the screen porch addition 

Pete, typically indifferent.

Spring in full bloom!
Happy Spring weekend to you and yours!

Monday, April 2, 2012


These trilliums are from my mom's backyard. She transplanted them from the farm where she grew up, where they grew in my grandma's garden.

And now here they grow.

I love that.

Here, there, and everywhere

I was in New York over the weekend. Here's my oldest friend, posing with the flowering trees in SoHo.

A good, good time, that. Back home now. Sigh.

Flowering trees are here, though, too!

I could have stood and inhaled the scent of these flowers all evening. Wild plums! So sweet.

Mayapples are emerging in the woods.

Pasque flowers dot the forest floor.

Fiddleheads are unfurling.

Leaves are filling in the empty spaces among the trees.

Asparagus is coming up!

Among those other surprises...

I was reminded of Boo Radley. Its one of those most treasured in-between nights- window open, woodstove burning, and I realize its been more than a full calendar year since I've read To Kill a Mockingbird.

It is good to be home.