Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Friendsgiving and a Postscript

The weekend before Thanksgiving, we celebrated Friendsgiving with friends old and new. It was simply lovely, and the first of what I hope will become an annual tradition.

(That's me and Jake with the 30 pound turducken! Whether the deliciousness was worth the work is up in the air- thanks to A & B for their late-night poultry-boning skills.)

Thanks to A for the photos!

One last thing I'm thankful for... my awesome dad. He has been working hard on the Recall Walker campaign in Madison these past two weeks, collecting and reviewing signatures for United Wisconsin. My birthday present from him was an all-inclusive set of Recall propaganda- this yard sign, some bumper stickers, some buttons, and a t-shirt!
Wisconsonites- let's do this!

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