Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Despite the welcome squashes at the doorstep, these were our only trick or treaters tonight:

I got home with some daylight to spare today, with an itch for something warm and cozy to eat on a dark and chilly evening.

Potatoes from the root cellar:

...and kale from the garden:

Colcannon! With a side of kraut.

Colcannon, my cookbook says, is a traditional Irish dish especially associated with Hallowe'en, when it is likely to be made with curly kale and would have a ring hidden in it- predicting marriage during the coming year to the person who found it. Also served throughout the winter, using green cabbage.

We make it a lot around here... easy hearty big-batch food, good for leftovers. No jack-o-lanterns here tonight, but a boston marrow squash pie is in the oven. O, Fall!


Serves 3-4 as a main dish; 6-8 as an accompaniment
1 # potatoes, boiled
1 # kale or cabbage, cooked
milk, if necessary
2 tbsp butter
1 large onion, finely chopped
salt and ground black pepper

Mash the potatoes. Chop the kale or cabbage, add it to the potatoes and mix. Stir in a little milk if the mash is too stiff.
Melt a little butter in a frying pan over a medium heat and add the onion. Cook until softened. Remove and mix well with the potato and kale or cabbage.
Add the remainder of the butter to the hot pan. When very hot, turn the potato mixture on to the pan and spread it out. Fry until brown, then cut it roughly into pieces and continue frying until they are crisp and brown.
From The Irish Heritage Cookbook by Biddy White Lennon and Georgina Campbell

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Gifts from my Mil

My special name for Jake's mom is Mil, an initialism of Mother-in-law. Jake's dad is Fil, and they call me Dil. Jake's sister and I are Sils. My sister calls Jake Bil. Its fun: code names for the marrieds.

I've received a few gifts from my Mil lately. Among them, this fedora:
which will help me look awesome at an undetermined future time and place,
and this smusher thing, which she said belonged to her mother, my Gil, Inez.
This contraption made easy work of mashing the two bushels or so of apples I smuggled off of lonely roadside apple trees over the past few weeks.
And now, my pantry looks like this!
It will defeat the purpose of all that canning to not eat the stuff, but I also really like just looking at them!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Perfect Autumn Weekend

My parents came to visit over the weekend, and helped us clear out the garden and make applesauce, a second batch of sauerkraut, and piccalilli- a green tomato relish. We hiked up the ridge, enjoyed a roasted chicken supper outside last night, and watched the big moon rise.
This morning, they dropped Jake and Echo and I off with their We-no-nah canoe at bridge 14, and we spent a lovely few hours enjoying the river, and watching flutter down from trees and into the current on this gorgeous fall day. We had the river to ourselves... almost.

Thanks, mom and dad!