Thursday, April 25, 2013

Signs of Spring

Crocus are popping up!

The SUN!

Early Mother's Day gift: jogging stroller! 

Maple finally finished off and jarred.


Saturday, April 13, 2013

Such is Early Spring

Boiling sap on evenings and weekends... we've been so busy we haven't jarred any syrup yet, but we think we'll be done by tomorrow's end.

Hiking deer trails searching for antler sheds. No dice, still, although we did find an owl pellet, something I've also been hoping to find for a long time! Jake thinks this is a barred owl feather, but I haven't looked it up yet. Regardless, with the light from an early spring sunset shining through, its beautiful.

I spotted some daffodil leaves poking through muddy snow yesterday, and the calendar marches on toward the season of sun and heat. Spring is coming. 


For now, I dream of trillium and morels. 

Why not?

Rubber duckies, you're the ones...