Friday, December 30, 2011

New Favorite Dinner Party: Fireside Fondue & Word Games

Friends came over for a mid winter break dinner tonight. We enjoyed roasted marrow bones (we talked a lot about Mark Bittman tonight) and fireside cheese fondue (Bittman's + a tbsp of good grainy brown mustard) with bread cubes, boiled potatoes, steamed green beans, sliced apples, and slices of Christmas dinner's left over roast beef. Our friends brought the most delicious shrimp-stuffed mushrooms. All that and a rousing game of "Synonyms!" It was the coziest.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

winter walk

Echo and I took a winter hike this afternoon in a new-to-me and not far from home spot. It was gorgeous. So excited to explore there more in all seasons. We left a little earlier than planned today because we were shot at, or close enough it felt like it. I actually ducked. "Hello!" I called into the trees. No response. So, we turned and hiked out. Fun all the same.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

S4311 on the Radio

Coming soon to your FM dial (or more likely, for most of you, your internet streaming device of choice)... Fortnight! We'll be live at 91.9 WDRT every other Saturday (hence the name) from 6pm to 8pm with music and snippets. Our first show will be sometime in January- we'll keep you posted.
In the meantime, send programming ideas and song requests to

Stay tuned...!